On Wednesday, May 23th, George Lyon Executive Director Samaritan House, and Christina Muniz VISTA Volunteer were presented with gift bags for homeless men and women from Sierra Vista Elementary School K-Kids.
The students of the K-kids got to learn about Samaritan House and its importance in the community and how their “Glad bags for the Homeless” can mean so much to someone who is without a home.
Students collected the bags in each of their classrooms and filled them hygiene items, a pair of socks and heartfelt letters of encouragement by the students.
“It’s encouraging to see people as young as these students stepping up and helping the homeless said Christina Muniz, a volunteer at Samaritan. We hope to continue to work with them and others and spread the knowledge of homelessness and how even the smallest things can mean a lot to someone.”
Thanks to the K-Kids students at Sierra Vista Elementary.